People with more than 2 legendaries

only for people with2 and more legs

wassup @LewisLikesLegendarys!

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omg owner hello

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i want catastrohe

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(in a posh voice) why hello

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Alex are u owner

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are u yes or no

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aw so are u a developer

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No he isn’t

People with the Bromon master badge just means they have all the bromon or have done either fanart or helped out the community
If you want more information, go here: Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇

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Hi! :wave: Welcome to The Sweezy Community! See this topic for help on your road through the community!

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btw im a mod

i have 3 legendaries


The owner of Sweezy Community is @sweezy . The biggest helpers have the leader badge (I’m referring to me, @cloud , @Catstrophe and @kaiser (who left the community)).


finally got all legendary

I got six legendaries