Post for Bro-Mon Users with Image Loading Issues 🏞️🚫


Thanks for your questions and feedback!

Right now, we’re investigating the root cause of the issue. We suspect that the problem with loading images mainly affects users on school networks. It seems that network administrators might be blocking access to our images.

As for the other posts about this issue, I haven’t closed them yet. Since we haven’t fully resolved the problem, I think it’s important to keep those posts open for now. We want to gather more information and confirm the exact cause before we make any official announcements.

We appreciate everyone’s help. Any observations or screenshots following the instructions I shared earlier would be very useful in helping us figure this out.

Thanks for your patience and support!

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Thanks a lot for the screenshots showing the error. That’s really helpful!

Could you please let us know if this is happening on a school laptop, connected to the school network? And if you try it at home, do the images load fine on a home internet connection?

Thanks again for your help!

yea i think its the school network bc it works at hme

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Thanks for ur reply

can you check out my topics? New ? rarity suggestion and New Bro-Coin currency + evolving Bro-Mon

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Yes, these are very cool ideas, I like it. We will definitely take them into consideration when we prepare a new improvement for the game.

Thank you for your input, I really appreciate it all.

ty sweezy :D.

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same. for some reason canva lets us catch bro-mon but no other site

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it was fine before but then it suddenly got blocked

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I’ve seen bromons but then disappear after saying their phrase.

Yes, it’s normal, bro-mons run away from the pages

Ethan it only works on a private network public networks like school wont work

it used to work

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it only got blocked after dimensphere and cometiX and stuff got added


everybody hear me out. if your school blocks it there is no way to unblock without a vpn. womp womp school

I unblocked it once without a vpn and without getting caught

Let’s say I wreaked some havoc :man_shrugging:


i wrote a simple script then inserted it into my browser’s network console and i unblocked all websites forever

And then we just weren’t allowed to use our chromebooks