Two Truths and a lie

what whats happening


  1. i play fortnite
  2. i have been on rollercoasters
  3. i will go to Peru in August
  1. Fr

number 1 is the lie I think

  1. I live in new york
  2. I go to my aunts every month
  3. I have toxic friends

1 is da lie

1 me a man
2 I have kids in my basement
3 me’s favorite food is gold fish

2 is da leee

  1. I helped wikifandom grow :facepunch:
  2. I suggested one bro-mon and it get added :partying_face:
  3. I wanna be a veterinarian :dog:

@SophiaBeifong its 2 heh

I know 1 and 3 are true you posted about both of those

You are correct! And that’s true i’ve posted about both umber 1 and 2


You don’t hate cloudphants, you love them!


its the Leaders

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yes, I lead the air into my nose

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I am 9 I am at home and I am happy

1 me have a house
2 me is not gayy
3 me still have kids in basement

1 I nearly died skiing
2 I have no clue what to do
3 my dad went to get the milk